How to Manage Stress During Your Daily Life
Life comes with stress, especially at the moment. Whilst a little stress, managed well, is a good thing, a build-up of stress over a sustained period of time can be damaging to our physical and mental health.
I understand life is busy and taking time to work through your stress can feel overwhelming. Which is why I want this blog to highlight the ways in which stress management can simply, and easily, be incorporated as part of your day to day life.
I will cover my top tips for stress management, including how to practice mindfulness throughout your day without needing to meditate. These techniques are useful for keeping your mind from racing and bring a sense of calm to your day.
My top four tips for stress management
1 – Write a list, it will give you a sense of control – Pick one task as your main focus and work on that. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it and acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small you think they are.
2 – Take time out of your day, even if it’s just ten minutes – It can often feel like there isn’t enough time in the day but there is. Especially for your well-being. Taking just ten minutes a day to re-focus your mind will lead to a calmer, happier you. My book, Ten to Zen, is an effective, fuss-free guide on how to take ten minutes a day to change your mindset and improve your well-being.
3 – Do some exercise, it will burn off some chemicals contributing to your stress – This exercise can be whatever works for you and your diary. It can be anything from a walk, to a swim or a session in the gym. It’s just about giving yourself that natural hit of endorphins.
4 – Practice mindfulness without having to meditate – This is a brilliant way to create a sense of calm throughout the day, without feeling like you have to take time to meditate. Meditation, although a brilliant tool, can be difficult to master and can feel overwhelming to practice. Here are my top three tips on how to incorporate mindfulness into your day without needing to meditate…
4a – Stop attaching yourself to the past or the future – Whenever your mind wonders to either of these places, gently bring it back to the present by grounding yourself. Focus on one of your senses in the present moment and bring yourself back to the now.
4b – Take one minute and do nothing – Take this as a moment to reset and take a well-deserved break. Do this as and when you can. You will be surprised how much of a difference this simple technique makes. My book, Ten Times Happier, reveals how to choose new, healthier perspectives and ditch harmful patterns in the ten key areas we all overthink about or manage poorly. Taking moments for yourself is part of that process.
4c – Try not to multi-task – It’s important to be present in each task you do. With this ever busy world, it’s easy to slip into the habit of trying to juggle everything. By just taking a moment to be fully focused on the task at hand, it will seem much more manageable.
Those are my top four tips for managing stress during your daily life. Things can feel overwhelming at times, especially right now, but these techniques should help make your stress more manageable and bring a sense of calm to your daily life.
If you want further support around your happiness and well-being, you can find my book Ten Times Happier here.
If you want to explore slowing down and feeling grounded, you can find my book Ten to Zen here.
Take care, look after yourself and I’ll speak to you soon.
P.S. For regular tips on looking after your mental health, follow me on my social media, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.