Ten Times Happier Already?!
It turns out you don’t just get to be a little bit happier… you can be Ten Times Happier!
And why on earth not? You deserve it.
After hearing your thoughts on my first book, Ten to Zen, and the positive impact it had on many people’s mental health and well-being, I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my latest book Ten Times Happier.
Modern life is a minefield for stress, especially at the moment where our usual coping mechanisms may not be as easily accessible. I wanted to provide a way you can incorporate happiness into your life, without the process itself causing you further stress.
I wanted to make the life you deserve simple, straightforward and enjoyable to create.
So far, so happy…
I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing the positive response to Ten Times Happier. Even though the book has only just come out, it fills me with such joy to know the advice is resonating with people, and in turn, helping them find their way to well-being and peace.
The continuous support I’ve received over my second book has been incredible. I’ve enjoyed getting to share my story with people around the world through various publications and media outlets.
Alongside the ‘News and Press’ section of my website, I wanted my first blog since the release of Ten Times Happier to properly say, “Thank you,” if you’ve bought it and show you the literal journey this book has taken me on.
Recently I’ve been featured on media outlets such as BBC Radio 2, Good Morning Britain, ITV News, 5 Live, Sky News and the Daily Telegraph. This has been a humbling experience and one I’m glad I get to share with you as my readers.
You can also find me in Grazia and the Big issue and I’ve been guesting on BBC Radio London, City AM, I Am Whole Podcast and Talk Radio, not to mention the acknowledgements in many people’s social media posts and stories, of which I love to go through.
People’s response, ideas and discussions over my guide to a happier life are what it’s all about. Hopefully that includes you, welcoming my ideas into your routine, the benefits they have and hearing you finally take it easy on yourself… exactly where the inspiration for the book came from in the first place.
I have so many opportunities coming up to talk to you about the book, my practices and my guide to helping you become Ten Times Happier. Please keep an eye on my social media to see where you can find me.
To find your Ten to Zen, you can order here.
To become Ten Times Happier, you can order here.
Thank you for supporting me and – in turn – allowing me to support you.
Happy reading!